vrijdag 25 oktober 2019

Robin Hood and the Parasite Algorithm

"(..) this is what we do – we just imitate. We let the bankers do all the work and we just imitate. Why? Because, as Michel Serres writes, the one who plays the position will always beat the one who does the content. The latter is simple and naïve, the former complex and intelligent. By playing the position we dominate the relationship. It means that we have a relationship with the relationship itself. It is the meaning of the prefix “para” in the word “parasite”: to be on the side, not on the thing, but on the relationship. A parasite has relationships; it makes a system out of them.
Like Serres’s parasites, we hook to the brains of the financial elite on Wall Street, and they don’t even know it. We appropriate the most important knowledge and capabilities of financial capital and its representatives and put them to work for us – just like capital normally puts to work our abilities and knowledge for the increase of its own value. This is minor asset management. Another way to occupy Wall Street."